Kamla Hari Mahavdyalaya



अध्यापन विषय स्नातक स्तर पर बी.ए./बी.एस.सी. (प्रथम/द्वितीय/तृतीय वर्ष) के विषय सूची

बीएससी - कृषि

  • The B.Sc. Ag. degree differs from a B.Sc. degree in that the courses focus on agriculture: for example, the student will study agricultural economics rather than economics. Like engineering or forestry, agricultural science courses are infused with practicality. The B.Sc. Ag. degree is normally not a general degree but requires specialization: for example, majoring in animal science, plant protection, soil science or agricultural engineering.
  • Affiliated to: University of Lucknow
  • Recognised by: ---
  • Eligibility: 10+2
  • Art
  • Science
  • Commerce
  • Art
  • Science
  • Commerce
  • BSC Agricultural